Avastar #14912, forever on chain

Table view of 0xchain.art

This page is a fork of the 0xchain.art site, a directory of art projects that are entirely on chain. 0xchain.art is a crowdsourced resource, and you can find details about adding projects or requesting updates below. 0xchain.art focuses on art, and does not yet include many other types of NFT projects like games or virtual worlds -- such as pre-721 Etheria, well before its time with its entirely on-chain mechanics.

So the 0xchain.art directory initially focused on visual art collections, including a handful of PFPs. There are many projects still to be added, and instructions below if you'd like to request adds, updates, etc. (I have gathered a list of earlier and more recent projects, so check back here in the next couple of weeks for an updated list. Note this is not my data set, but a fork, so I'm happy to help correspond about updates.)

Data source
This page presents a table view for the amazing 0xchain.art project by emrecolako. 0xchain.art is a crowdsourced catalog of on-chain NFT art collections on Ethereum. On-chain NFTs use methods that preserve the associated asset forever (in theory) by encoding it or its code on the blockchain. This website presents the 0xchain.art data as a sortable table.

More details
For details about on-chain art generally, check out Simon de la Rouviere's illustration of how many projects encode their assets on Ethereum. I also have a post on Etherscan Blog entitled "Souls of Immortal NFTs" that reviews on-chain storage frameworks. 0xchain.art itself has some great links to readings.

Credits, issues, how to add projects, etc.
This page uses the 0xchain.art raw data, by emrecolako. This table coded by Takens Theorem. Click column headers to sort. See missing data or other issues? Feel free to contact Takens; we can get in touch with emre to fill in missing data or projects, and I can check any bugs with the interface. You can also submit a request for inclusion here.
